01 January 2021

Journey of Awareness

Posted this status update on my Facebook today on something mentioned every now for the last 2 decades. But today it was with the dawning and realization of how my thinking in the past was muddled with not understanding instead of smug about being that smart cookie undergrad then who took a shot at a professor dumbfounded with my answer to her homework and pass me with an "A" in the final grade for her Philo 101 class...

Not understanding means I have not been "aware".
Not understanding means whatever was said in the past was based on assumptions, be it due to my years growing up in an environement that doesn't cultivate a proper understanding of some things or simply an ego that refuses to see in the light of things.

Today I am aware. An awareness that allows me to see how  years after  having clinging to my initial ideas and notions, these were actually a retardation of the awareness of things in life because of my earlier ignorance.

There is no blame here either. It happened and that is how it was. All I'm trying to come to terms with now is that there is bliss in Awareness. With Awareness comes Peace.

Yes, for a long time everyone who knows me has seen how I have been fighting my biggest enemy. Ego. But yet in doing so-- which seem like a good positive thing and a way to progress with mindfulness, I was still trapped very much in the mortal-ness of "fighting". There had been awareness to many things, good things that generally improve the wellness of the mind, yet those cognitive changes still had an impending block hiding between neurons and the subconscious. Never fully unleashing Awareness.

It was reading Hack Spirit site and in particular this and this article that much of the realization  hit me today. To be honest, I have no idea who is Thích Nhất Hạnh is but I'm gonna see what else he has to say with a wider Google search now....

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