01 November 2022

Competing with NOONE

 Who is NOONE? (pronounced as nu-oon)

It's "no one". Yes, "没人“、 ”无人“ in Chinese. Not even against myself.

For the longest time after adopting a "NGAF" attitude, it has been the focus on the Self as the biggest enemy/ competition. Without a care of what others think nor pitting against them, it was all about fighting the Self.

Yes, at the beginning it seems like "the" thing/ direction" to do or take... The mental image was "Ego" at the forefront of anything and everything. The goal was to eliminate or suppress it at every turn.

It can be safely said, Ego, by now has taken a back seat in my life. Of course daily negativity, setback, stress still exist and on a positive note, certain pride to take in some things done or achieved. But by and large, life goes on. Sharing any bits has become a way of trying to help others. Otherwise most time, they simply remain buried in my own myriad of logs and write-ups.


Reflecting on this paragraph above, led me to a new realization of the state of being now. I don't even care if Ego is there anymore! Not even fighting it. It's about getting better everyday. A self-improvement of sort, mental and physical. Does it matter if I hit a new intermediate training target this month or even this week? Or clinch that next deal with another record selling price?


It doesn't make me a different entity. It doesn't take away that other me, Ego. That exists only because that's how the mind had been conditioned to think.

"Oh wait... so now you have no challenge in your life huh?"


It just means I don't need to find an excuse or target to channel my mental energies in order to push the envelope in any endeavors set.

Just like moving away from one's childhood imaginary friend... I'm just removing this adulthood imaginary fiend. After all they are just products of one's over active mind.  Peace.

We think of what's good because we compare with what is evil. Like Dark and Light. We think nothing... and we just let things be. Just be sensible.

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