29 October 2014

So is it Evolution or Creation now?

At each advancing turn of the scientific chessboard, the theological defense space and no. of moves has been reduced. Or is this the start to another round of Creationist Science mincing... by deceptive means to first "agree" before infusing more unproven "truths" to confuse the mediocre masses yet further.
"Eppur si muove" - Galileo

The above was the status on my FB when sharing this link from The Independent UK.

Pope Francis declares evolution and Big Bang theory are right and God isn't 'a magician with a magic wand'

Francis goes against Benedict XVI’s apparent support for 'intelligent design' - but does hail his predecessor’s 'great contribution to theology'


If you think the Pope is endorsing science, then you must agree with this guy too
from Freethought Blogs  by PZ Myers
(but I am not providing a direct link here as there seems to be some Trojan/ virus with the whole freethoughtblog site now)

The Indian prime minister, Narendra Modi, explains that good ol’ polytheistic Hinduism is fully compatible with science, just like the Pope finds Catholicism compatible with evolution.
We can feel proud of what our country achieved in medical science at one point of time, the prime minister told a gathering of doctors and other professionals at a hospital in Mumbai on Saturday. We all read about Karna in the Mahabharata. If we think a little more, we realise that the Mahabharata says Karna was not born from his mother’s womb. This means that genetic science was present at that time. That is why Karna could be born outside his mother’s womb.
Well. I guess it must be true, then, if Karna was hatched from an artificial womb, that Modi’s ancestors must have had some awesome technology. Or we could flip that around, and if Modi’s ancestors lacked that awesome reproductive gadgetry, then Karna’s mythological origin is false.
I don’t think he plans on taking that approach.
Modi went on: We worship Lord Ganesha. There must have been some plastic surgeon at that time who got an elephant’s head on the body of a human being and began the practice of plastic surgery.
All righty then!
Have you noticed how all religious just-so stories from outside your own religion look extraordinarily ridiculous? All we need to do is get the Pope to look at his Catholic origins myth through the eyes of a devout Hindu, and maybe he’ll figure it out.
I’m thinking if we can just find the talented plastic surgeon who can transplant elephant heads to human bodies, it’ll be a cinch.

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