Ok so I am fostering and gonna adopt a mutt... the usual Dr Jeckyll iteration with nary a foul outpour can be found on my other blog. Here as usual is reserved for all the bitching and whining.
Dogs breeds... while it is understandable that through the domestication of dogs, certain traits and behaviors are favored esp when selecting for a work-dog/ hunting dog etc, what I really cant comprehend are all those dog shows where each and every breed has to conform to arbitrary human standards.
Breeders are specifically churning dogs that will conform to the hilt of such standards. When that is not enough, ears and tails are cropped for no good reason other than to spot the "in" look of the species. Yes some may argue that a short tail after snipping may be easier to train or whatever.. ok fine but really.. ask yourself what you are doing to your dog is really for the dog or to massage your own ego when you walk your dog and show it off to the world?
Like what I term Inflated Titular Grandiose Syndrome, people are not only carting off self-importance by the armloads to themselves from the way they dress to what's printed on their name cards but feel this need to be extended into the things surrounding themselves. Be it an inanimate object like a limited edition designer hand bag or the ribbon and rainbow dyed pooch they tote around.
Do what you want with your bag, bikes or other non breathing objects but anything on an animal.. think twice. Not so much that the world will laugh their ass off at your stupidity (which you are so deserving of course..) but its inconveniencing another life even if its not human solely for the pleasure and satisfaction of your own ego...
11 December 2014
29 October 2014
So is it Evolution or Creation now?
At each advancing turn of the scientific chessboard, the theological defense space and no. of moves has been reduced. Or is this the start to another round of Creationist Science mincing... by deceptive means to first "agree" before infusing more unproven "truths" to confuse the mediocre masses yet further.
"Eppur si muove" - Galileo
The above was the status on my FB when sharing this link from The Independent UK.Pope Francis declares evolution and Big Bang theory are right and God isn't 'a magician with a magic wand'
Francis goes against Benedict XVI’s apparent support for 'intelligent design' - but does hail his predecessor’s 'great contribution to theology'
If you think the Pope is endorsing science, then you must agree with this guy too
from Freethought Blogs by PZ Myers
(but I am not providing a direct link here as there seems to be some Trojan/ virus with the whole freethoughtblog site now)
The Indian prime minister, Narendra Modi, explains that good ol’
polytheistic Hinduism is fully compatible with science, just like the
Pope finds Catholicism compatible with evolution.
I don’t think he plans on taking that approach.
Have you noticed how all religious just-so stories from outside your own religion look extraordinarily ridiculous? All we need to do is get the Pope to look at his Catholic origins myth through the eyes of a devout Hindu, and maybe he’ll figure it out.
I’m thinking if we can just find the talented plastic surgeon who can transplant elephant heads to human bodies, it’ll be a cinch.
Well. I guess it must be true, then, if Karna was hatched from an artificial womb, that Modi’s ancestors must have had some awesome technology. Or we could flip that around, and if Modi’s ancestors lacked that awesome reproductive gadgetry, then Karna’s mythological origin is false.We can feel proud of what our country achieved in medical science at one point of time,the prime minister told a gathering of doctors and other professionals at a hospital in Mumbai on Saturday.We all read about Karna in the Mahabharata. If we think a little more, we realise that the Mahabharata says Karna was not born from his mother’s womb. This means that genetic science was present at that time. That is why Karna could be born outside his mother’s womb.
I don’t think he plans on taking that approach.
Modi went on:All righty then!We worship Lord Ganesha. There must have been some plastic surgeon at that time who got an elephant’s head on the body of a human being and began the practice of plastic surgery.
Have you noticed how all religious just-so stories from outside your own religion look extraordinarily ridiculous? All we need to do is get the Pope to look at his Catholic origins myth through the eyes of a devout Hindu, and maybe he’ll figure it out.
I’m thinking if we can just find the talented plastic surgeon who can transplant elephant heads to human bodies, it’ll be a cinch.
27 October 2014
Living with just a little of everything+ Childhood memories
"Bikes with no front derailleur tends to have cleaner chains..."
I must clarify this useless epic post is not about bikes but like so many things, it starts with my my observation on bike related obsession. Drivetrain today.
What's with me and all my seemingly useless trivial observations? As always, once it comes about as I absentmindedly starts scratching slightly above the hamstrings, it would naturally gravitate to.... "Why?"
Greasy chain pick up grit
Grit accumulate and keep adding till the point of falling off from its own weight.
Chain rubs inner side of derailleur cage.
Grease and grit adheres to sides
Chain keep moving picking off more grit again.
More gets rubbed on cage
Cage surface roughens and that picks up and spread even more greasy bits around.
Excess bits hanging on gets picked up and a free ride around cassette, rear dee and jockey wheels...
Cycle continues...
External sides of chain plates keep looking like shit until next round of cleaning
Wiping off reveals gleaming plates but one round pass chain ring and the 2 dees-- everything is just as black until every damn part has to be cleaned up before cleaning the chain once more...
Of course it gets a little more complicated than I can humanely pen and not kill via the monotony from reading a million long sentences. The hyper mind of mine is filled up with all kinds of hygroscopic and hydrophillic reactions. Of grease degradation and metal ion reactions happening all at the same time. Even archaic chemical terms from secondary school like ionic bonds and Van der Waal forces started surfacing... "How does different lubes affect the extent of these goop soup spinning on and on and on and..."
Totally useless especially if you don't own a bike or remotely interested in maintenance even if you do ride.
As for me-- I have long ago told myself "Screw it, let it all rot"...I have enough chains to last my next nine reincarnations as a human that potentially owns another bicycle.
As with all great philosophers who try to make an analogy of everything they observe and pin that to certain aspects of life, here I am pretending or at least trying to imagine being one...It does induce a sense of smugness as flatulence reverses direction to the confines of the cerebellum as one starts to get a few more ideas on what to write, self deluding that it would surely impress the world. So shut up world, this is what I "see"
With the accumulation of material things in life... you are just gonna end up with tons of useless things that will eventually be thrown out. Doubt me? Take a serious look around the house. Open up the storeroom. Look into every box that has not been opened up since 1980. Ok make it 1990 or 2000.. adjust as your age deem fit. I can boast about stuff kept from the 70s since I'm fast forwarding into an antique nut case...
Tell me what you find.
Of course there is that corrugated container which once past the musky smell you are surprise to see that even the styrofoam inside has shrunken and gotten brittle.
Thinking aloud "Hmmm.. .no UV so what kind of chemical reaction has taken place here?. Why are the polystyrene beads not adhering now? Old foams had different density and additives in their making back then?... ... ..."
Within this lie another package with yellowed tracing paper wrap.
*wiggle*, *wiggle*
Wait.. WTF is that! -- Oh there's a couple of silverfish that just pop out and a few black bits.. probably pooped by some other insects that has long been plastered on the side of the box like fossilized art..
Peeling off the yellow layer, my olfactory sense is assaulted by this heavy lingering odor almost immediately. It hangs in the air for a bit more... familiar but hmmmm....
One more crinkling and fragile layer later ... Holy Mackeral Fish God of the Babylonians! A plasticine stash from 1978-9.
Can you fucking believe that!
Oh-- by the way do you even know what I am referring too?
Yea. Plasticine-- pronounced as PLAS-TER-SIN. Kids these days won't know jack-all what this wonderful thing is. They now have Play-Doh, and whatever fancy yucky hands on gooey toys.
Ok looks like Plastercine hasn't really gone extinct after all and they do come in a whole array of bright colors these days that are probably more appealing to kids now. Back in my days the color choices are pretty limited.
Block after block after block of pale rigor mortis pink, ghastly blues like the lips of drowned victims or that dull putrid green as a hungry drunk reflects on his surfaced bile.
Yes you feel nostalgic.. these play clay has gone from being made into little swamp thing dolls that fight with my Playmobil figurines set to being meat balls "sizzling" on the cooking pots for those same static idiotic smiling calvary pieces.
No, my little mind has not gone with victorious plastic soldiers cutting up Plastercine Swamp Monsters into Subway Marinara Meatballs. At least not yet at that age.
You think I'm kidding huh.. After some pretense macho bang bang session, those tiny doll sets actually comes with cooking pots and cups and what not? Yea. Check out the pic below-- it shows the cups and pitcher.. almost identical to what I had in 78-79. Ok so I do mix and match a lot with my other toys back then... The "pot" could well have been a bottle cap of some sort... Hey if the size looks alright.. who cares right.. It's all in the mind of someone barely 8-9 yrs old.
But after 30 odds years-- Here I sit holding a dead-flesh colored lump that has undergone further color degradation, wondering what to do with it... maybe nice multicolor blocks did exist then but maybe my mum was colorblind without knowing all her life and so all I ever got was the same old horrible ghastly pink ones on those umpteenth occasions whenever I told her "Teacher say we need Plastercine for next week's art class" -- which of course only happened like once in my entire 6 years of primary school...
Alternatively the shop guy could have convinced my mother to take all his remaining stock of these fugly color plastercine. "Don't worry lah... they will ask for 1 block every 6 months, in 6 years that is 12 blocks... only 10 here. Sure can finish one... you take these 2 color lah Mrs.. they say this one not nice. Nobody buy. You take all I give u 50% discount ok?
Told ya.. I can't keep my bloody mind straight.. it will go off tangent even on things that may or may not happen 4 decades ago...
Now don't ask me for actual childhood pics kneading those clay... People growing up in the 70s are a sad deprived lot. If your family actually owns a camera and is rich enough to take pictures of you playing with your toys or Heaven forbids.. the toys themselves -- it still takes a week to have the picture developed. Then over the course of 30+ years those photographs would have faded or most probably eaten alive by the (great great great great)x(great) grand ancestors of the 2 silverfish that just fell out of the box with these discolored clay. But many are siply thrown out during one of those major house cleaning or another.
"But my uncle has that cool looking camera you look down from the top and took many pictures of the 70s and 80s... and there is a picture of me on a carousel horse shown to you... "
"STOP being a prick... OK OK your family is rich. Mine isn't.. FUCK U. SHUT UP and continue reading.."
Anyway screw these primitive arthropods (and your uncle's camera) for the time being. I'm getting distracted again.
COA- Course of Action
(1) Soak in the aroma-- take out the plastercine and make those swamp monsters again. Run down to that toy shop in Harbor Front and buy up all the Playmobil and start another battle scene... "Wake the eff up dude.. you are almost half a century old now!"
(2) Re-wrap carefully, place back in box and continue keeping it for another few decades. (and maybe have it cremated alongside you by then... no wait, the temperature in the oven would have vaporize this old shit and nothing is left!)
(3) Throw the fucking sticky gooey glob away..together with the 2 silverfish and think no more... have a coffee, play with the dog or something...
I realize what you once cherished is really just some obsolete junk that only appeals to your sense of nostalgia. It is really the memory you are holding onto by now. What can be worse is- to a whole generation that haven't a clue, letting them catch of glimpse of you clutching that chunk might just make them think there's some terrorist running around with a lump of C4. Children and some whom are adults by now that grew up on a staple diet of words like Kabul and KABOOM from the news and FPS games of the 90s onwards would never guess. Bloody Strawberries arrgghhh!
And again I digress...
As if to prove my point about de-clutterring *kla**klak* -- some plasticky thing fell out of the box where the plastercine had been a long term resident..
A VHS TAPE! Now that is older than Blu-Ray, DVD, VCD and Lazer Discs... Short of a few old audio cassette tapes I'm sure is still around.. I doubt there's much remaining that can boast information storage of some kind from the Jurassic.
"But but but.. what's VCD???"
"Ah my friend you must be from Amelica neh...You guys just bypass a whole transitional generation of data storage, VCD and SVCD and went from VHS to DVD. Nevermind, you didn't really miss much. Really. All the pixelated sh!t and sudden audio screech ain't worth watching anyway."
Fast forward a decade... 1990. The label was faded but I can just make out the words that I have written out with a Stabilo marker bought during army days to mark on those transparent talc over
1:50 000 "confidential/ restricted maps"-- and again this just goes to show the vast the amount of useless things I'm holding in the brain apart from the actual things here...
FOR THE LOVE OF THE MOTHER OF ZEUS or WHATEVER EGG ZEUS HAPPEN TO COME FROM-- that was the year boy wonder Steven Hendry became the youngest player to win the world champion title.. If you are 19 or 20 yrs old at that time and a snooker fan-- there's no doubt who you will root for.
Seriously who the hell who want to be jumping up celebrating some craggy dry old fart winning yet another world championship. Ok Jimmy White was a pretty cool maverick but hey its NKOTB here.
"Snooker? What about soccer. Football"
Not that I have a VHS player now that can resurrect those scenes captured within but I remember VHS tapes have a catch when flipped will expose the tape..
Found it
Nudged it.
Lo and Behold.... Holy Mother Of Mold. Whatever little exposed section of the dark brown tape is just about all white and green/grey with heavy powdery patches. I held my breath and only exhale cautiously as the hand slowly-- ever so slowly move the abomination out of the way. The mind was turned into a sci-fi movie kaleidoscope of a billion fungal spores flying every which way-- into my nostril, down the blood stream... couple of them found their way and dancing inside the whites of my eyes...sprouting off the next generation of love seeds as sight fades from my clouded and invaded eyes.... Ok too much Ebola news and paranoia about Anthrax in envelopes these few weeks. I digress.
The vivid imagery of fungal infection and possible death certainly play down and euphoria of watching any championship pot black action from Hendry that may have lain hidden in that tape for the last 24 years...
Trust me. despite the fungal defiling- it was a significant piece of memory. Back in those days, TV was all but 2-4 channels before the days of cables and the programs of those short few hours of broadcast were listed in the main newspapers each day.
If I wasn't at the snooker saloon I was scouring to see the word "snooker" in the paper and note the timing... It was the most talked about match in town.. I made sure to buy extra blank tapes to record and this moldy POS was the result of all those billiard crazed days of eons past....
Regrettable and sad as it is, for now this world stirring event lay to rest in the waste paper basket.... awaiting its final resting place most probably in the Lorong Halus incinerator...
I really wanted to watch it one more time! Was willing, even if irrational as it seems to run out there and get a hopefully working VHS player from one of those danky old electronic shops or even be ripped off by one of those toothless old uncle peddling their dusty rarely usable ware of the past .
But hey everything has to exist on the Internet today eh! right down to the first trillionth of a trillionth second of the Big Bang. I'm sure....
Even if this was not available online.. really how much do we need to keep and how much obsolete things do we need to keep up with... Honestly, most, we don't need and are never a matter of life and death.
Not just material things, even stuff you build up as part of yourself at some point or another, it will come to pass... While my current waist line is an absolute envy to all my middle aging friends and many a lot younger, still I had seen better times in the past. Hey everyone aspired to be Bruce Lee at one point or another right? I'm no exception either...
Mighty dragons come and their time shall pass too..
More items of old starting is starting to fill the bin as the physical de-cluttering takes place... My mind again wanders-- am I writing all these down to bring across the point of simplifying or simply moving my mental clutter elsewhere... Somewhere on the web for posterity? For fear, like in hoarding all these things in the past that one day I should need or want to see them again.... It's a constant fight. Having things and hoarding them produces a kind of "feel good" feeling. The state of having little or not possessing is just something that runs counter to the society we live in... We live, we age, we amass. Society tells you and even encourages you to amass. All the marketing out there is asking you to Buy Buy Buy and Own Own Own... They only tell you to throw away other things not made by them so that you can buy theirs. We make tons of built-in cupboards, closets and all manners of storage in our already claustrophobic life within hi-rise pigeon holes (ok at least for 90% of us on this island); only to keep more and more of things we don't need.
Think about that.. true or false? What every individual keeps may be a little unique to themselves but still when things gather dust it is time to start clearing ...
...which brings me to this article that my group of close knitted Faux Fat Boys cronies posted in our super duper secret closed knit (not snitch) group. Quarter ton of accumulated PORN in a lifetime! Holy Patron Saint of the Kabuki and Geisha Bars-- in magazines and VHS!! "Hey dude... Cloud it man. its 2014 now" until I read...
Exactly!!! .. when you are 70 yr old and bed ridden you ain't gonna be needing all those smut fapping material like a panda.
I must clarify this useless epic post is not about bikes but like so many things, it starts with my my observation on bike related obsession. Drivetrain today.
What's with me and all my seemingly useless trivial observations? As always, once it comes about as I absentmindedly starts scratching slightly above the hamstrings, it would naturally gravitate to.... "Why?"
Greasy chain pick up grit
Grit accumulate and keep adding till the point of falling off from its own weight.
Chain rubs inner side of derailleur cage.
Grease and grit adheres to sides
Chain keep moving picking off more grit again.
More gets rubbed on cage
Cage surface roughens and that picks up and spread even more greasy bits around.
Excess bits hanging on gets picked up and a free ride around cassette, rear dee and jockey wheels...
Cycle continues...
External sides of chain plates keep looking like shit until next round of cleaning
Wiping off reveals gleaming plates but one round pass chain ring and the 2 dees-- everything is just as black until every damn part has to be cleaned up before cleaning the chain once more...
Of course it gets a little more complicated than I can humanely pen and not kill via the monotony from reading a million long sentences. The hyper mind of mine is filled up with all kinds of hygroscopic and hydrophillic reactions. Of grease degradation and metal ion reactions happening all at the same time. Even archaic chemical terms from secondary school like ionic bonds and Van der Waal forces started surfacing... "How does different lubes affect the extent of these goop soup spinning on and on and on and..."
Totally useless especially if you don't own a bike or remotely interested in maintenance even if you do ride.
As for me-- I have long ago told myself "Screw it, let it all rot"...I have enough chains to last my next nine reincarnations as a human that potentially owns another bicycle.
As with all great philosophers who try to make an analogy of everything they observe and pin that to certain aspects of life, here I am pretending or at least trying to imagine being one...It does induce a sense of smugness as flatulence reverses direction to the confines of the cerebellum as one starts to get a few more ideas on what to write, self deluding that it would surely impress the world. So shut up world, this is what I "see"
With the accumulation of material things in life... you are just gonna end up with tons of useless things that will eventually be thrown out. Doubt me? Take a serious look around the house. Open up the storeroom. Look into every box that has not been opened up since 1980. Ok make it 1990 or 2000.. adjust as your age deem fit. I can boast about stuff kept from the 70s since I'm fast forwarding into an antique nut case...
Tell me what you find.
Of course there is that corrugated container which once past the musky smell you are surprise to see that even the styrofoam inside has shrunken and gotten brittle.
Thinking aloud "Hmmm.. .no UV so what kind of chemical reaction has taken place here?. Why are the polystyrene beads not adhering now? Old foams had different density and additives in their making back then?... ... ..."
Within this lie another package with yellowed tracing paper wrap.
*wiggle*, *wiggle*
Wait.. WTF is that! -- Oh there's a couple of silverfish that just pop out and a few black bits.. probably pooped by some other insects that has long been plastered on the side of the box like fossilized art..
Peeling off the yellow layer, my olfactory sense is assaulted by this heavy lingering odor almost immediately. It hangs in the air for a bit more... familiar but hmmmm....
One more crinkling and fragile layer later ... Holy Mackeral Fish God of the Babylonians! A plasticine stash from 1978-9.
Can you fucking believe that!
Oh-- by the way do you even know what I am referring too?
Yea. Plasticine-- pronounced as PLAS-TER-SIN. Kids these days won't know jack-all what this wonderful thing is. They now have Play-Doh, and whatever fancy yucky hands on gooey toys.
Ok looks like Plastercine hasn't really gone extinct after all and they do come in a whole array of bright colors these days that are probably more appealing to kids now. Back in my days the color choices are pretty limited.
Block after block after block of pale rigor mortis pink, ghastly blues like the lips of drowned victims or that dull putrid green as a hungry drunk reflects on his surfaced bile.
Yes you feel nostalgic.. these play clay has gone from being made into little swamp thing dolls that fight with my Playmobil figurines set to being meat balls "sizzling" on the cooking pots for those same static idiotic smiling calvary pieces.
No, my little mind has not gone with victorious plastic soldiers cutting up Plastercine Swamp Monsters into Subway Marinara Meatballs. At least not yet at that age.
You think I'm kidding huh.. After some pretense macho bang bang session, those tiny doll sets actually comes with cooking pots and cups and what not? Yea. Check out the pic below-- it shows the cups and pitcher.. almost identical to what I had in 78-79. Ok so I do mix and match a lot with my other toys back then... The "pot" could well have been a bottle cap of some sort... Hey if the size looks alright.. who cares right.. It's all in the mind of someone barely 8-9 yrs old.
But after 30 odds years-- Here I sit holding a dead-flesh colored lump that has undergone further color degradation, wondering what to do with it... maybe nice multicolor blocks did exist then but maybe my mum was colorblind without knowing all her life and so all I ever got was the same old horrible ghastly pink ones on those umpteenth occasions whenever I told her "Teacher say we need Plastercine for next week's art class" -- which of course only happened like once in my entire 6 years of primary school...
Alternatively the shop guy could have convinced my mother to take all his remaining stock of these fugly color plastercine. "Don't worry lah... they will ask for 1 block every 6 months, in 6 years that is 12 blocks... only 10 here. Sure can finish one... you take these 2 color lah Mrs.. they say this one not nice. Nobody buy. You take all I give u 50% discount ok?
Told ya.. I can't keep my bloody mind straight.. it will go off tangent even on things that may or may not happen 4 decades ago...
![]() |
Stored for 30+ years... |
Now don't ask me for actual childhood pics kneading those clay... People growing up in the 70s are a sad deprived lot. If your family actually owns a camera and is rich enough to take pictures of you playing with your toys or Heaven forbids.. the toys themselves -- it still takes a week to have the picture developed. Then over the course of 30+ years those photographs would have faded or most probably eaten alive by the (great great great great)x(great) grand ancestors of the 2 silverfish that just fell out of the box with these discolored clay. But many are siply thrown out during one of those major house cleaning or another.
"But my uncle has that cool looking camera you look down from the top and took many pictures of the 70s and 80s... and there is a picture of me on a carousel horse shown to you... "
"STOP being a prick... OK OK your family is rich. Mine isn't.. FUCK U. SHUT UP and continue reading.."
Anyway screw these primitive arthropods (and your uncle's camera) for the time being. I'm getting distracted again.
COA- Course of Action
(1) Soak in the aroma-- take out the plastercine and make those swamp monsters again. Run down to that toy shop in Harbor Front and buy up all the Playmobil and start another battle scene... "Wake the eff up dude.. you are almost half a century old now!"
(2) Re-wrap carefully, place back in box and continue keeping it for another few decades. (and maybe have it cremated alongside you by then... no wait, the temperature in the oven would have vaporize this old shit and nothing is left!)
(3) Throw the fucking sticky gooey glob away..together with the 2 silverfish and think no more... have a coffee, play with the dog or something...
I realize what you once cherished is really just some obsolete junk that only appeals to your sense of nostalgia. It is really the memory you are holding onto by now. What can be worse is- to a whole generation that haven't a clue, letting them catch of glimpse of you clutching that chunk might just make them think there's some terrorist running around with a lump of C4. Children and some whom are adults by now that grew up on a staple diet of words like Kabul and KABOOM from the news and FPS games of the 90s onwards would never guess. Bloody Strawberries arrgghhh!
And again I digress...
As if to prove my point about de-clutterring *kla**klak* -- some plasticky thing fell out of the box where the plastercine had been a long term resident..
A VHS TAPE! Now that is older than Blu-Ray, DVD, VCD and Lazer Discs... Short of a few old audio cassette tapes I'm sure is still around.. I doubt there's much remaining that can boast information storage of some kind from the Jurassic.
"But but but.. what's VCD???"
"Ah my friend you must be from Amelica neh...You guys just bypass a whole transitional generation of data storage, VCD and SVCD and went from VHS to DVD. Nevermind, you didn't really miss much. Really. All the pixelated sh!t and sudden audio screech ain't worth watching anyway."
Fast forward a decade... 1990. The label was faded but I can just make out the words that I have written out with a Stabilo marker bought during army days to mark on those transparent talc over
1:50 000 "confidential/ restricted maps"-- and again this just goes to show the vast the amount of useless things I'm holding in the brain apart from the actual things here...
S. Davis vs S. Hendry
FOR THE LOVE OF THE MOTHER OF ZEUS or WHATEVER EGG ZEUS HAPPEN TO COME FROM-- that was the year boy wonder Steven Hendry became the youngest player to win the world champion title.. If you are 19 or 20 yrs old at that time and a snooker fan-- there's no doubt who you will root for.
Seriously who the hell who want to be jumping up celebrating some craggy dry old fart winning yet another world championship. Ok Jimmy White was a pretty cool maverick but hey its NKOTB here.
"Snooker? What about soccer. Football"
Not that I have a VHS player now that can resurrect those scenes captured within but I remember VHS tapes have a catch when flipped will expose the tape..
Found it
Nudged it.
Lo and Behold.... Holy Mother Of Mold. Whatever little exposed section of the dark brown tape is just about all white and green/grey with heavy powdery patches. I held my breath and only exhale cautiously as the hand slowly-- ever so slowly move the abomination out of the way. The mind was turned into a sci-fi movie kaleidoscope of a billion fungal spores flying every which way-- into my nostril, down the blood stream... couple of them found their way and dancing inside the whites of my eyes...sprouting off the next generation of love seeds as sight fades from my clouded and invaded eyes.... Ok too much Ebola news and paranoia about Anthrax in envelopes these few weeks. I digress.
The vivid imagery of fungal infection and possible death certainly play down and euphoria of watching any championship pot black action from Hendry that may have lain hidden in that tape for the last 24 years...
Trust me. despite the fungal defiling- it was a significant piece of memory. Back in those days, TV was all but 2-4 channels before the days of cables and the programs of those short few hours of broadcast were listed in the main newspapers each day.
If I wasn't at the snooker saloon I was scouring to see the word "snooker" in the paper and note the timing... It was the most talked about match in town.. I made sure to buy extra blank tapes to record and this moldy POS was the result of all those billiard crazed days of eons past....
Regrettable and sad as it is, for now this world stirring event lay to rest in the waste paper basket.... awaiting its final resting place most probably in the Lorong Halus incinerator...
I really wanted to watch it one more time! Was willing, even if irrational as it seems to run out there and get a hopefully working VHS player from one of those danky old electronic shops or even be ripped off by one of those toothless old uncle peddling their dusty rarely usable ware of the past .
But hey everything has to exist on the Internet today eh! right down to the first trillionth of a trillionth second of the Big Bang. I'm sure....
1 0
Internet Sungei Road
Ok maybe not as much footage held in my mold eaten VHS but still...
Just look at the Hendry's returning shot at 14:38 in the video!
Even if this was not available online.. really how much do we need to keep and how much obsolete things do we need to keep up with... Honestly, most, we don't need and are never a matter of life and death.
Not just material things, even stuff you build up as part of yourself at some point or another, it will come to pass... While my current waist line is an absolute envy to all my middle aging friends and many a lot younger, still I had seen better times in the past. Hey everyone aspired to be Bruce Lee at one point or another right? I'm no exception either...
Mighty dragons come and their time shall pass too..
More items of old starting is starting to fill the bin as the physical de-cluttering takes place... My mind again wanders-- am I writing all these down to bring across the point of simplifying or simply moving my mental clutter elsewhere... Somewhere on the web for posterity? For fear, like in hoarding all these things in the past that one day I should need or want to see them again.... It's a constant fight. Having things and hoarding them produces a kind of "feel good" feeling. The state of having little or not possessing is just something that runs counter to the society we live in... We live, we age, we amass. Society tells you and even encourages you to amass. All the marketing out there is asking you to Buy Buy Buy and Own Own Own... They only tell you to throw away other things not made by them so that you can buy theirs. We make tons of built-in cupboards, closets and all manners of storage in our already claustrophobic life within hi-rise pigeon holes (ok at least for 90% of us on this island); only to keep more and more of things we don't need.
Think about that.. true or false? What every individual keeps may be a little unique to themselves but still when things gather dust it is time to start clearing ...
...which brings me to this article that my group of close knitted Faux Fat Boys cronies posted in our super duper secret closed knit (not snitch) group. Quarter ton of accumulated PORN in a lifetime! Holy Patron Saint of the Kabuki and Geisha Bars-- in magazines and VHS!! "Hey dude... Cloud it man. its 2014 now" until I read...
Exactly!!! .. when you are 70 yr old and bed ridden you ain't gonna be needing all those smut fapping material like a panda.
03 May 2014
Real Cost
With the diarrhea of news and media flux of everything and anything, its hard to pay attention and see how it all links up.
I was reading yesterday on
The usual sarcasm of course follows on Facebook including my own on how the powers that be do not understanding the real needs. Seriously, the same brands and shops again and again and again...? I mean how many fucking times do you walk into the same clothing store twice on the same day.. you see one you seen them all right! Furthermore people like me will only use these places, if at all, as a form of window shopping. Literally.
Go there take a real physical look see and or try on for sizes. Come back and hunt the same for cheaper online. I am not gonna be enamored by the glitzy walls in those building and fool myself into thinking that it is really worth to pay an additional 30-40% for the exact same thing that gets delivered to my door. Ya I have air-conditioning too right in the comfort of my own home pounding away at the "enter" key if need be.. Fuck all your overpriced ugly monumental malls.
Then for all the talks in the article about attracting and increasing retail... today the free canine ass-wipe paper shafted into my gate each morning opened up to the article below
You tell me its a waste to buy cheap electric kettles but conveniently forget that many a time cheap is still not cheap and many are only buying the cheaper products because of affordability issues. A large part of the cost is because of the sky high rents in Singapore.
Young aspiring people gets killed trying to set up shop. Brick and Mortar folks fold up due to high rentals... yet you are gonna have ten shops in each mall selling the same cheap electric kettle followed by another ten more malls to be built?
Some day I do wish that I could perform magic like swapping all the lives on board MH370 for all the head in the ass decision makers out there. *Poof*...never to be found.
The country’s posh shopping center is bearing the brunt of the sharp decline in Chinese tourist arrivals. According to Maybank Kim Eng, short-term headwinds are in the forecast for Orchard Road’s landlords.
The report stated that Orchard Road shops are dealing with a new Chinese law that bans “forced shopping” for tourists.
Hoteliers are also now focusing on corporate and transient segments as tour groups become more scarce.
“Our conversations with Orchard Road landlords suggest that the current headwinds may be short term in nature. Chinese visitors have been declining since last October, partly because of a new mainland law
that bans “forced shopping”, which prompted sharp rises in prices for outbound tours in China. In addition, many hotels along Orchard Road have progressively moved away from the wholesale customer segment (tour groups) to focus on the higher-yielding corporate and transient segments,” the report stated.
Here’s more from Maybank Kim Eng:
I was reading yesterday on
Why S’pore needs Project Jewel (and more malls)
The usual sarcasm of course follows on Facebook including my own on how the powers that be do not understanding the real needs. Seriously, the same brands and shops again and again and again...? I mean how many fucking times do you walk into the same clothing store twice on the same day.. you see one you seen them all right! Furthermore people like me will only use these places, if at all, as a form of window shopping. Literally.
Go there take a real physical look see and or try on for sizes. Come back and hunt the same for cheaper online. I am not gonna be enamored by the glitzy walls in those building and fool myself into thinking that it is really worth to pay an additional 30-40% for the exact same thing that gets delivered to my door. Ya I have air-conditioning too right in the comfort of my own home pounding away at the "enter" key if need be.. Fuck all your overpriced ugly monumental malls.
Then for all the talks in the article about attracting and increasing retail... today the free canine ass-wipe paper shafted into my gate each morning opened up to the article below
You tell me its a waste to buy cheap electric kettles but conveniently forget that many a time cheap is still not cheap and many are only buying the cheaper products because of affordability issues. A large part of the cost is because of the sky high rents in Singapore.
Young aspiring people gets killed trying to set up shop. Brick and Mortar folks fold up due to high rentals... yet you are gonna have ten shops in each mall selling the same cheap electric kettle followed by another ten more malls to be built?
Some day I do wish that I could perform magic like swapping all the lives on board MH370 for all the head in the ass decision makers out there. *Poof*...never to be found.
Glitzy street no more: Vanishing Chinese tourists leave Orchard Road’s landlords hanging
"Desperate owners are starting to get panicky.The country’s posh shopping center is bearing the brunt of the sharp decline in Chinese tourist arrivals. According to Maybank Kim Eng, short-term headwinds are in the forecast for Orchard Road’s landlords.
The report stated that Orchard Road shops are dealing with a new Chinese law that bans “forced shopping” for tourists.
Hoteliers are also now focusing on corporate and transient segments as tour groups become more scarce.
“Our conversations with Orchard Road landlords suggest that the current headwinds may be short term in nature. Chinese visitors have been declining since last October, partly because of a new mainland law
that bans “forced shopping”, which prompted sharp rises in prices for outbound tours in China. In addition, many hotels along Orchard Road have progressively moved away from the wholesale customer segment (tour groups) to focus on the higher-yielding corporate and transient segments,” the report stated.
Here’s more from Maybank Kim Eng:
The Chinese are no longer coming in droves. Following the political upheaval in Thailand and the mysterious disappearance of Malaysian Airlines flight MH370, there have been concerns that this may have a negative impact on Chinese visitor arrivals.
Mainland Chinese typically holiday in Singapore, as part of their tours to Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. Based on 2013 data, mainland Chinese were the second-largest international visitor group to Singapore (2.3m) after the Indonesians (3.1m).
Anecdotal evidence points to Chinese tourists cancelling their travel plans to Southeast Asia in recent months. The initial signs of a slowdown are already evident with Chinese visitor arrivals down 31% and 14% YoY in 4Q13 and 1Q14, respectively.
More recently, the April retail sales of watches and jewellery, which are highly dependent on tourist purchases, registered a sharp YoY decline of 16.3%.The law was in response to recent years of public outcry in China over extremely cheap tours tied to “forced shopping”. The law, which took effect at the start of the seven-day National Day “Golden Week” holiday on 1 Oct 2013.
The upshot was substantial increases in tourist agency costs, especially salaries for tour guides, who previously received commissions from designated shops. As a result, sales of such tours have fallen, even at what is a peak period for holidays."
01 May 2014
What now! Camel Sandwich?
Apart from all the usual food-safety compliance and audits, each day my mails would have to deal with customer's request for the latest update on Halal and Kosher certifications... Its such a drudgery I have not even put much thought into it. Simply attaching the requested documents and zombie-Enter" to send it off.
If people are really so strict about what they can or cannot put into their mouth-- there is almost nothing in the world of processed food they can eat. No alcohol? Yea right-- just about every microscopic drop of essence and flavor are solvent based and in such things are the OH- group, ie alcohol but nevermind... if people can deny evolution, they will find ways to twist around things too small to see with the eye like a single molecular structure and the active subgroups within.
I wouldn't expect Neolithic rules and regulation ignorant of modern science would equate things in quite the same manner anyway. Alcohol would probably have to be just some smelly sour yeast juice to qualify.
More and more we see corporations and companies in the food industry yielding to the demands of religions. It's becoming so common place that no one even questions the sanity of it. In fact not complying is gonna bring out the fanatics and I guess many of these big food boys can't risk irking the extremists.
Subway UK has bowed... I'm sure this is a chain reaction take will take place soon in other countries if it has not already begun.
My real rant is not because I love ham all that much. Hell, in fact all these process meat with tons of nitrates are probably making the cancer soup in the cells very exciting. But occasionally I do derive pleasure of the palate from a Mariana Meatball sandwich-- just about the only sandwich I ever sink my teeth into for the last 25 years from Subway.
So if that is gonna change around here.. then fuck you too Subway. I won't be missing much.
If certain people believe that they should not touch certain meat, that's fine by me. But don't go around yelling and demand that everyone has to live by your standards. If every religion has its say on not having one kind of meat being eaten... what's next? Every mother-son has to be a frigging vegetarian? Or should we all just eat camelburgers from now on.
It would be a lot better in my opinion if a competing sandwich store gets started by people who do not believe in eating pork and serve pork-less sandwiches. Neither am I saying that I will boycott those either.
Look, to me, its all about the quality and palatability of the the food and CHOICE. I do not want to be limited in my choices simply because some are salivating outside the glass window because of their religious affiliation which says what can or cannot be eaten. To accommodate them, I have to now live with my CHOICE being changed to something else or taken away just to suit and not offend them! NO.
What if I start waving a banner that a pork-less eatery is offensive and insist that to appease my affiliation and beliefs, the selection need to at least contain a couple of lizard-meat entree if not a main. Alright... I hear a murmuring of "Oh you crazy bastard..." Well, exactly-- that's how I feel now about not able to add REAL Bacon (not that pseudo turkey shit) as a side to my meatball sandwich.
Yet no one seems to care too much when a relentless pork eater (ok, he eats other meat too) fight against one of the biggest name in the food world to stop their pink slime that everyone can put into their mouth but filled with dangerous chemicals that shouldn't even be used as food/ food additive in the first place
Go figure.
If people are really so strict about what they can or cannot put into their mouth-- there is almost nothing in the world of processed food they can eat. No alcohol? Yea right-- just about every microscopic drop of essence and flavor are solvent based and in such things are the OH- group, ie alcohol but nevermind... if people can deny evolution, they will find ways to twist around things too small to see with the eye like a single molecular structure and the active subgroups within.
I wouldn't expect Neolithic rules and regulation ignorant of modern science would equate things in quite the same manner anyway. Alcohol would probably have to be just some smelly sour yeast juice to qualify.
More and more we see corporations and companies in the food industry yielding to the demands of religions. It's becoming so common place that no one even questions the sanity of it. In fact not complying is gonna bring out the fanatics and I guess many of these big food boys can't risk irking the extremists.
Subway UK has bowed... I'm sure this is a chain reaction take will take place soon in other countries if it has not already begun.
![]() |
Subway-no-oink-oink. What now? Camel sandwich? |
My real rant is not because I love ham all that much. Hell, in fact all these process meat with tons of nitrates are probably making the cancer soup in the cells very exciting. But occasionally I do derive pleasure of the palate from a Mariana Meatball sandwich-- just about the only sandwich I ever sink my teeth into for the last 25 years from Subway.
So if that is gonna change around here.. then fuck you too Subway. I won't be missing much.
If certain people believe that they should not touch certain meat, that's fine by me. But don't go around yelling and demand that everyone has to live by your standards. If every religion has its say on not having one kind of meat being eaten... what's next? Every mother-son has to be a frigging vegetarian? Or should we all just eat camelburgers from now on.
It would be a lot better in my opinion if a competing sandwich store gets started by people who do not believe in eating pork and serve pork-less sandwiches. Neither am I saying that I will boycott those either.
Look, to me, its all about the quality and palatability of the the food and CHOICE. I do not want to be limited in my choices simply because some are salivating outside the glass window because of their religious affiliation which says what can or cannot be eaten. To accommodate them, I have to now live with my CHOICE being changed to something else or taken away just to suit and not offend them! NO.
What if I start waving a banner that a pork-less eatery is offensive and insist that to appease my affiliation and beliefs, the selection need to at least contain a couple of lizard-meat entree if not a main. Alright... I hear a murmuring of "Oh you crazy bastard..." Well, exactly-- that's how I feel now about not able to add REAL Bacon (not that pseudo turkey shit) as a side to my meatball sandwich.
Yet no one seems to care too much when a relentless pork eater (ok, he eats other meat too) fight against one of the biggest name in the food world to stop their pink slime that everyone can put into their mouth but filled with dangerous chemicals that shouldn't even be used as food/ food additive in the first place
Go figure.
25 April 2014
Rain rain go away...(ok where did you go)
The pic is obviously another atheist jibe. While I agree with the "logic" of what's said but with the kind of undertones, it's not something I care or find much to chuckle these days. However it did remind me of something when I was younger.
I was "WOW" when told the flood story to my still wiring-up pre-adolescent mind. The image of an entire planet getting rained on was an impressively scary image... and fun as I look out the window at the torrential monsoon outside.
The innocent little science geek in me (yes, my path was cast more less by then) asked, "But then where did all the water go afterwards?"
It was met with silence and in retrospect of what must be an effort at a most re-assuring smile (if the memory in my by now fusing cranial bones has not failed me ) "Well, they dry up/ evaporate... you know? eer..become clouds?"
Yea, yea but that somehow produced a weird feeling in a kid's mind that the adult saying those words wasn't very sure or convinced herself. In my 10 yr old world , adults are supposed to know everything. Right! Hmmm.....
Accepting it in my young mind then and figured it just became those clouds in the sky and maybe part of it just got siphoned off into space or disappeared into the earth core somehow, I didn't pursue the subject further. Ok cut me some slack.. I was frigging ten and reading up on Bermudas Triangle, volcanoes and the Great Pyramids when someone came and tell me about me this Flood story. So yes-- water could just as well have evaporated into the big black universe out there in my 10 year old mind...
Some years later...sitting smug, rocking two hind legs of a chair against the back wall of the classroom, I was reminded of this episode in yet another telling of the same story. Only this time it was steeped in some rather serious tone with the concept of punishment and disobedience which I took as an attempt to strike fear within all that were listening (and probably hopeful of silencing any doubts that may arise should everyone not already be cowering in fear of the "Voice").
Reflecting now on the rebelliousness at 16 candles, I just had to shoot my big mouth off "So where did all the water go? Mathematically the H20 in the clouds would never add up to the kind of volume needed for every piece of landmass to be submerged... and how did that kill all the sea creatures, or did they have fish tanks in there to keep everything too? Including whales?"
Well never mind about the sea creatures....
Not pausing to letup in case my target has a chance to recoup and re-org, I went on..."Now we all know that in order for rain to fall it first has to be evaporated from water bodies to be formed into the proper clouds that comes back down as rain? Or are what we studied in Geography and Science classes all wrong?"
Letting in only the briefest of pause to sink in the silence that is fast enveloping the entire room, safe for the creaky but ever rotating ceiling fans, "So if that much water is first evaporated off to enable raining 40 days and 40 nights non-stop, then wouldn't the sea level have dropped significantly? Still if all the water came back down it would only have returned everything to what it was before. In fact right after it stop it will still take some time for whatever water that fell on land to make their way back to water bodies.. there's no way in hell the entire world can be submerged! Therefore if it really happened, the water will first have to magically appear from somewhere and again magically disappear afterwards for things to return to normal...."
I knew I was on track and the onslaught had just about covered every fucking angle but to nail it off... "The only other thing left is the ice in the North and South pole. Maybe there is enough to cover a large extent of the land mass... but probably still not all. Give it the benefit of the doubt that it can but it's said that it came down as RAIN!. Even if all the rain came from ice..it first have to be evaporated. But if that is the case, then it would not need to have that 40 days of rain again. And it would also be another miracle-- in fact an even bigger miracle than this 40 days rain thing that all the ice can melt in such a short time..."
(ok this was 1986, there was no "Google" nor were there that much computer simulation to see how Earth looked like without all the ice. In fact today we know that even if these melted, it still wouldn't cover all the landmass on this planet. Sure, a lot of people will die, move away from coastal area. But, no, the entire planet is not gonna be submerged underwater.
I was cut off.
Just like that...
Those earlier words were carried away with each whoosh from the fan blades above... then it was a moment of Enlightenment-- I finally understood the meaning of "ostracize"
Oh the sudden blinding flash of torment, anguish, greyness all in that split second for speaking what I see as the truth came crashing down hard... something I only realize years later as what may be described as a part of an Existentialist's blues...Certainly the feeling of forlornness and subsequently of being indifferent would have arisen from having to demarcate oneself from the thronging mass of religulous-ness.
Then I look towards the heavens and found myself uttering under own muted breath "Fuck you fan."
Was that how Galileo felt a few hundred years ago?
Ok -- One- I broke the cardinal rule of uttering (considered swearing) the word "hell" in my outpour.
Two... they hate the word "magic" or "magical" in the context of how it's used it-- probably close to outright blasphemy in those sensitive believing minds. After all I was in school and attending Bible study lesson (an examinable subject for Cambridege "O" level). I doubted and mocked the divinity of their belief by using the word magic in a mocking fashion.
End of story..... needless to say I never experience any spirit coursing through my body that changed my mind to believe in fairy tales thereafter either... Spirit of the 80% proof kind is a different story though ;)
Ok don't even get me started on the marsupials or if there were some Neolithic version of a Subzero fridge to store the penguin pairs and return them to Antarctica subsequently... but with the shitload of work I'm having, it will have to wait another 5-10 years before I was able to throw those into any further dis-proving equations.
I was "WOW" when told the flood story to my still wiring-up pre-adolescent mind. The image of an entire planet getting rained on was an impressively scary image... and fun as I look out the window at the torrential monsoon outside.
The innocent little science geek in me (yes, my path was cast more less by then) asked, "But then where did all the water go afterwards?"

Yea, yea but that somehow produced a weird feeling in a kid's mind that the adult saying those words wasn't very sure or convinced herself. In my 10 yr old world , adults are supposed to know everything. Right! Hmmm.....
Accepting it in my young mind then and figured it just became those clouds in the sky and maybe part of it just got siphoned off into space or disappeared into the earth core somehow, I didn't pursue the subject further. Ok cut me some slack.. I was frigging ten and reading up on Bermudas Triangle, volcanoes and the Great Pyramids when someone came and tell me about me this Flood story. So yes-- water could just as well have evaporated into the big black universe out there in my 10 year old mind...
Some years later...sitting smug, rocking two hind legs of a chair against the back wall of the classroom, I was reminded of this episode in yet another telling of the same story. Only this time it was steeped in some rather serious tone with the concept of punishment and disobedience which I took as an attempt to strike fear within all that were listening (and probably hopeful of silencing any doubts that may arise should everyone not already be cowering in fear of the "Voice").
Reflecting now on the rebelliousness at 16 candles, I just had to shoot my big mouth off "So where did all the water go? Mathematically the H20 in the clouds would never add up to the kind of volume needed for every piece of landmass to be submerged... and how did that kill all the sea creatures, or did they have fish tanks in there to keep everything too? Including whales?"
Well never mind about the sea creatures....
Not pausing to letup in case my target has a chance to recoup and re-org, I went on..."Now we all know that in order for rain to fall it first has to be evaporated from water bodies to be formed into the proper clouds that comes back down as rain? Or are what we studied in Geography and Science classes all wrong?"
Letting in only the briefest of pause to sink in the silence that is fast enveloping the entire room, safe for the creaky but ever rotating ceiling fans, "So if that much water is first evaporated off to enable raining 40 days and 40 nights non-stop, then wouldn't the sea level have dropped significantly? Still if all the water came back down it would only have returned everything to what it was before. In fact right after it stop it will still take some time for whatever water that fell on land to make their way back to water bodies.. there's no way in hell the entire world can be submerged! Therefore if it really happened, the water will first have to magically appear from somewhere and again magically disappear afterwards for things to return to normal...."
I knew I was on track and the onslaught had just about covered every fucking angle but to nail it off... "The only other thing left is the ice in the North and South pole. Maybe there is enough to cover a large extent of the land mass... but probably still not all. Give it the benefit of the doubt that it can but it's said that it came down as RAIN!. Even if all the rain came from ice..it first have to be evaporated. But if that is the case, then it would not need to have that 40 days of rain again. And it would also be another miracle-- in fact an even bigger miracle than this 40 days rain thing that all the ice can melt in such a short time..."
(ok this was 1986, there was no "Google" nor were there that much computer simulation to see how Earth looked like without all the ice. In fact today we know that even if these melted, it still wouldn't cover all the landmass on this planet. Sure, a lot of people will die, move away from coastal area. But, no, the entire planet is not gonna be submerged underwater.
I was cut off.
Just like that...
Those earlier words were carried away with each whoosh from the fan blades above... then it was a moment of Enlightenment-- I finally understood the meaning of "ostracize"
Oh the sudden blinding flash of torment, anguish, greyness all in that split second for speaking what I see as the truth came crashing down hard... something I only realize years later as what may be described as a part of an Existentialist's blues...Certainly the feeling of forlornness and subsequently of being indifferent would have arisen from having to demarcate oneself from the thronging mass of religulous-ness.
Then I look towards the heavens and found myself uttering under own muted breath "Fuck you fan."
Was that how Galileo felt a few hundred years ago?
Ok -- One- I broke the cardinal rule of uttering (considered swearing) the word "hell" in my outpour.
Two... they hate the word "magic" or "magical" in the context of how it's used it-- probably close to outright blasphemy in those sensitive believing minds. After all I was in school and attending Bible study lesson (an examinable subject for Cambridege "O" level). I doubted and mocked the divinity of their belief by using the word magic in a mocking fashion.
End of story..... needless to say I never experience any spirit coursing through my body that changed my mind to believe in fairy tales thereafter either... Spirit of the 80% proof kind is a different story though ;)
Ok don't even get me started on the marsupials or if there were some Neolithic version of a Subzero fridge to store the penguin pairs and return them to Antarctica subsequently... but with the shitload of work I'm having, it will have to wait another 5-10 years before I was able to throw those into any further dis-proving equations.
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