Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.
Ok I stole the fucking line from somewhere. Sue me.
But that's precisely just what "worldview" is. No?
What you choose to plug into your world becomes your view of reality eventually. Like everyday living, you need to clean "house" after awhile. The problem is sometimes that house has turned into a hoarder's hellhole, it's better just to move out entirely. Take the shirt off the back too.
Have a clean start.
This applies to various aspects in life. We are simply too attached to things at times which when truly reflected upon doesn't make much sense. More often than not, it's all about soothing one's own ego through one's own opinions held so dear.
Ok it can be a little more complicated than that. Your website, blog, social media pages be it FB, Tumblr, Instagram or whatever has become your "watering hole" of sort. Like any skanky bar... dimly lit in the evenings filled with cheap yet alluring smells each time you walk in. You are too comfortable to do any cleaning.. but very much aware that once the lights come on at closing time, the filth, puke and roaches running around would leave a distaste. Yet this is the same "bar" everyone you interact with comes to and basically comfortable in each others presence yakking over misfortunes popping out from overly exaggerated headlines. Headlines all over the web vying for clicks or chattering over your favorite subjects...Or e.patting each other on a good score over some collectibles or whatever useless junks your hard earned dollars have been expended on.
With settings restricted, you are the bartender that dishes out whatever drink you fancy shaking up. You can give not a fuck what others have to say.. or really is that the case?
I still think that it is very much a case of you spewing whatever you want because that in your view is what is right or matters. Like what you are reading now.